Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Due to inclement weather, the Appalachia Educational Gathering that was set for 2/24/11 has now been postponed. Please watch our blog, website or Facebook for the new date, to be provided soon.

        Stay warm.
        Stay dry.
        Stay safe.
        Be blessed!!

Training For "The City" continues this week

If you cannot attend the problem - training module notes are available. See link for more info.

Women of Vision on The City
Training Schedule and Notes

Monday, February 14, 2011

Educational Event Feb. 24th - POSTPONED: Appalachia Trip Report

You are cordially invited, by the Greater Seattle Women of Vision chapter, to attend a free educational gathering on Rural Poverty in Appalachia. The speakers for this event will be none other than two of our own chapter leaders, Laura & Lynn.

Last summer, Laura and Lynn visited World Vision's program work in the Appalachian mountains of West Virginia. During that trip they had the opportunity, among other things, to work alongside several church missions teams doing resident home repair projects, to spend a day with the WoV North Carolina ladies at their day camp for girls, and to tour the WV community storehouse in Philippi. Photos and stories from this trip will be presented at this gathering, along with some basic information about the causes and challenges faced by residents in rural areas steeped in generational poverty.

The South Puget Sound and Greater Seattle chapters of Women of Vision are among numerous other Women of Vision chapters nationwide raising funds for programs in rural Applachia. Our SPS chapter has committed to raising $10,000 for Appalachia this fiscal year, so this subject matter is dear to our hearts. Will you join us?

Thursday, February 24, 2011
McMicken Heights Baptist Church
375 S. 172nd St., SeaTac, WA

(click on image to enlarge)

Friday, February 11, 2011

February Devotional

For God So Loved

 For God so loVed the world 
             ThAt He gave 
 His onL
                ThaT whosoever
 believesIn Him  
           Shall Not perish 
           but have Everlasting life.

                                                                         John 3:16

May you have a blessed, bounteous, abundant, extraordinary, powerful, complete and joyous life remembering that God loves you so much that He gave His One and Only Son so that if You believe, You will live forever with Him.