Friday, April 22, 2011

April Devotional

But Then Came Sunday . . . He is Risen!
by Rich Stearns, World Vision US President

Just a few weeks ago I walked in those places where Jesus walked in the Holy Land. It dawned on me yet again that Jesus did almost everything differently than conventional wisdom would have dictated. I visited Capernaum and Galilee where most of his three-year ministry took place -- a "hick town" ten days' journey from Jerusalem. Not the best location to start a movement that would change the world.

Join us in reading the rest of Rich Stearns' Easter Blog, here. 


  1. Women of Vision South Puget Sound Blog explain all about the April Devotional. I sometimes feel the work World Vision does around the world seems insignificant, under resourced and unlikely to change the world.

  2. Hi Mona,

    Thank you for your comment. I would suggest that you click on the link above for Rich Stearns' Easter Blog where you can ask him the question directly.

    Blessings to you!
