Friday, May 7, 2010

Mary Heller of IJM to speak at Human Trafficking Conference

As Director of International Investigations for a field office of International Justice Missions, Mary Heller works with six investigators to identify, document, and release victims of forced labour in the districts surrounding Chennai, India.

And you thought your work day was challenging!?!

Modern day slavery emerges in various forms but ultimately involves those with power exploiting the poor through means of fear, violence, psychological abuse, and other means of oppression. Because of the power differential between the facility owners and the bonded laborers, the later becomes extremely vulnerable to violent crime such as kidnap, assault, and sexual assault. Investigators seek to identify those in forced labor, gain their trust, document their stories, and sustain their hope through a vision of freedom until they can be rescued. Mary will talk about the darkness that surrounds forced labor and the light of hope that is given to the victims through God's work at IJM.

Please join us in learning about these issues, and find out what part you can play in combatting such practices. No, we cannot all live in India and spend our days investigating crimes against humanity. But we can ALL do at least ONE THING about it.

Find Your Voice...Break the Chain
Conference on Human Trafficking and Modern Day Slavery
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Cost: $40, including lunch/snacks
Location: Chapel Hill Presbyterian Church, Gig Harbor

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